Call for a Flemish theatre maker or writer for a cross-cultural exchange in South Africa

The Flemish Government, ASSITEJ South Africa

ASSITEJ South Africa is looking for a Flemish artist interested in cross-cultural exchange, and
wishing to explore approaches in facilitating the genesis of new writing in theatre for young
audiences (ages 11-14) in South Africa.

Young people are experiencing complex and difficult situations, within a challenging social and political context, but often these are considered taboo for representation on stage. When difficult topics are explored for this audience, choices may be made that render the work didactic or prescriptive. Alternatively, work is created which misses this audience and does not address their concerns in ways that engage them. ASSITEJ SA is interested in developing work which challenges young people, aged 11-14, to think and discover for themselves, and which engenders genuine and honest conversation between young people, and between them and the adults in their lives.


This project forms part of the work programme for bilateral cooperation Flanders-South Africa 2023-2024 of the Flanders Department of Culture, Youth and Media.

The project hopes to foster a dynamic intercultural exchange between artists passionate about theatre for young audiences, as well as to stimulate the creation of new work using innovative methodologies and approaches, which will allow young audiences in South Africa to access theatre, directly relevant to their most burning concerns. In dialogue between local writers and the Flemish guest playwright, the workshop aims not only to exchange knowledge and practices but also promote out of the box thinking, writing and use of language to address sensitive topics and through theatre give voice and agency to their young audiences from 11-15+ years old.* 

The Flemish playwright will be invited to lead a workshop. The format of the workshop can be freely created by the selected candidate. Assitej SA and Flanders Arts Institute will help the candidate with their expertise to finalize the workshop outlines and practical needs.

*InSouth Africa TYA tends to address teenagers (15+) or younger children, and the Intermediate/Senior Phase learners (11-14 years) are neglected. 


  • Have already created work for/ with young audiences, which have in some way “pushed boundaries” and spoken to contemporary issues for young people;
  • Be interested in intercultural exchange and open to learning with South African artists in TYA;
  • Have ideas for a dynamic workshop process which will stimulate SA artists to explore ways of address, question and present pressing issues to young audiences;
  • Be available from 1-14 July 2024 to travel to South Africa, attend the Vrystaat Kunste Fees in Bloemfontein and run a workshop for 5-8 writers/theatre-makers in collaboration with ASSITEJ SA (and writer, Omphile Molusi). 
  • Thereafter read subsequent drafts of a selected play and act as “sparring partner” to the playwright as they develop their text between August and October 2024. (5 online meetings.)*

*Flanders Arts Institute will help to coordinate & facilitate the meetings and support the collaboration as a creative soundboard.


  • 26 May: Deadline for call
  • 31 May: Announcement of Flemish artist and call-out to South African artists
  • 2 -7 July: Attendance of Flemish artist at Vrystaat Kunstefees, Bloemfontein 
  • 8- 13 July: Workshop with SA artists in Johannesburg
  • August-October: online engagement between Flemish playwright and SA playwright; writing of playtext
  • 24-26 October – Teksmark: playreading of selected text, with public discussion


  • Included are: International travel to South-Africa, inclusive of Johannesburg-Bloemfontein; 14 days accommodation, per diems, local transport and an artistic fee of €1250. If you want to stay longer, you can do so, but at your own expense.
  • The jury that will select the participant consists of a representative of the Flemish Department of Culture, Youth and Media, Flanders Arts Institute and Assitej South-Africa. The Delegation of Flanders in Southern Africa will take part in the jury as an observer.
  • The Selected candidate will be asked to share an end of the project report / logbook with the four organizations.
  • In your communication about the project (social media, website …), you always mention the support of the Government of Flanders.

How to apply?

  • Please send your CV, a reference and a motivation letter (max 2 A4) to Julia Reist from the Flanders Arts Institute: She can also be reached in case you need more information about the call. The deadline is 26 May 2024.
  • Your motivation letter should present some initial ideas for the artistic workshop in South Africa and your reasons for wanting to be part of this project.
  • Please provide a reference of your work for / with young audiences by video, images, press material or a letter of endorsement from someone who has experienced your work in a workshop setting.
  • Applications should be written in English for the benefit of our South-African partner organization.

More information

The Vrystaat Kunstefees • Arts Festival • Tsa-Botjhaba is one of the key arts festivals on the African continent, offering national and international work in a range of genres. The annual festival showcases various artistic disciplines, including visual arts, music, dance, theatre, and literature. The festival also includes work for young audiences and will provide an immersive first engagement with South African arts and culture for the visiting artist.

Teksmark: This dynamic initiative is a script development programme driven from KKNK (one of the leading Afrikaans arts festivals). The initiative allows playwrights to develop out their ideas and find producers for their nascent work. It has resulted in the production of new texts and their touring between festivals within South Africa.