Participate in the biennial of ideas edition 3

Het Voorstel #3

A biennial of ideas, that was the plan at the first edition of THE PROPOSAL in 2018. And look, it was just an idea too, because it became a triennial. The premise of THE PROPOSAL? An idea in itself or even an unrealisable idea can be a full-fledged work of art.

All the ideas together will form an exhibition on imagination, freedom and desire at THE PROPOSAL #3. The selected proposals will be presented as proposals in their own right, or executed in collaboration with the cultural centre.

The exhibition of THE PROPOSAL #3 will run from 25 October to 22 December.

No idea yet what ideas we’re talking about? Any idea!

  • An outline on a beer mat
  • A written scenario for a (short) film
  • A model for a monumental statue
  • An idea for a conceptual work of art
  • A design for a building
  • A new city plan for the City of Menin
  • An imaginary city plan for a new town
  • A model for a monument
  • An idea for an art performance


Until 15 June, everyone can submit a proposal via

  • The idea is formulated or visualised in an e-mail addressed to