25 ateliers for starting, emerging and professional visual artists



VONK offers 25 ateliers for promising, starting and professional visual artists. In our 3 buildings (in Hasselt and Genk) ateliers are rented out at democratic prices. Are you a visual artist and looking for an atelier? Read below how you can register. 

VONK offers

  • An atelier for at least 1 year, starting from September 2022
  • Feedback, reflection and networking starting from the second residency year

How to apply?

To apply, please email us the following information:

  1. Personal data: name, address, date of birth, education, website, e-mail address and telephone number.
  2. Your resume.
  3. Your artist statement.
  4. Five photos of various recent works and/or a maximum of 3 URLs where we can view your work, with a substantive explanation of max. 700 words.
  5. Tell in max. 300 words about your specific plans during your residency at VONK, the minimum space you need and which city you prefer to have  your studio in.

Send all this information in Dutch or in English in 1 pdf to riet@vonkateliers.com and vonkvzw@outlook.com before 10 PM on May 15, 2022

Place as subject of your email: Open call ateliers visual artists VONK and name the PDF as follows: Surname.Firstname.bkatelier

The selection of the artists is done by an external jury.

More information
