Working internationally: Pros and cons Choosing to work internationally has several motives. We take a look at some of them.
25 routes to a sustainable international arts practice Kill your darlings and call things by their names. Discover the 23 other tips.
Business and legal aspects of working internationally Find out all about MIPs in Europe and the United States
A place to work: rehearsal rooms, studios, workplaces and residencies Everyone wants a workplace where you can rehearse and create in peace.
Promotion, networking and visibility You’re giving something to the world and it’s important to generate interest in it.
Organising As soon as you start working for or with others, you have to think about how you are going to organise this.
Financing mix: of capital importance Which elements in your life and artistic practice require money?
First aid when the going gets tough It’s good to question yourself and self-doubt is common to everyone.
Entrepreneurship in the arts Entrepreneurship is about looking for opportunities to maintain and expand your practice.