How can policy help you when working internationally?

Subsidies are the main (financial) support that policy offers when developing an international career.
Check carefully for each subsidy line whether your plans meet the conditions. Creating a subsidy application is often a lot of unpaid work. Make sure you are well prepared and your project is already concrete.

What subsidies are available for working internationally?

International subsidy instruments

The Arts Decree (in Dutch) offers a number of (inter)national subsidies:

  • Subsidy for international presentation moments
  • International presentation projects
  • Residency grants

Read more about these subsidies in our info bundle

Bilateral collaborations

In addition, the Flemish government also has various international bilateral collaborations with specific countries or regions such as Hauts de France, Basque Country, Quebec and South Africa. These collaborations often involve calls for projects. See an overview of these bilateral collaborations.

Other bodies

Read more about European subsidies (in Dutch).

How can policy support the development or strengthening of an international network?

Cultural diplomacy

All political powers of Flanders also apply abroad. This means that culture also falls under the powers of the diplomatic representation of Flanders. 

There are 13 Flemish diplomatic representatives active in the foreign capitals of as many regions and countries:

  • Europe:
    • Paris
    • London
    • The Hague
    • Berlin
    • Rome
    • Vienna
    • Geneva
    • Warsaw
    • Copenhagen
  • Outside of Europe:
    • New York
    • Pretoria
    • Lilongwe: mainly focused on development cooperation
    • Maputo: mainly focused on development cooperation

What does cultural diplomacy entail? Flemish diplomacy mainly has an economic function, but uses culture to open doors abroad. Through culture they show what Flanders stands for. Read more about Flemish diplomatic representation.  

The arts can capitalise on this. Diplomacy uses culture, but culture can also make use of diplomacy! If you’re active internationally or have a presentation at an international location where a Flemish diplomatic representative is present, it might be interesting to contact them:

  • mogelijke samenwerkingen op te zetten, contacten uit te wisselen of te helpen bij het uitbouwen van een plaatselijk netwerk 
  • to set up possible collaborations, exchange contacts or help develop a local network 
  • to help build international brand awareness and reputation
  • to organise a press conference

Cultural representatives sometimes have (small) budgets to for example organise a reception.

Other policy networks

Cultural Diplomacy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can provide ad hoc financial support within the context of geopolitics. So it depends on political factors. If there’s a connection between your art and political foreign affairs, you may be able to capitalise on that. The Minister of Foreign Affairs makes the final decision.

If there is no Flemish representation, it’s always worthwhile to contact Belgian embassies or consulates. Depending on the embassy, they can also help make local contacts or provide limited financial support. 

Read more about how to internationalise sustainably.