Basic rules for your personal archive

Documentation of one’s own practice or organisation is important as a tool for reflection on one’s work or to facilitate day-to-day operations. After all, you can use your archive as a reminder or as a direct basis for communication and framing.

Documentation of one’s own practice or organisation is important as an instrument for reflection on the work or to facilitate daily operations. After all, you can use your archive as a memory aid or as a direct basis for communication and framing.

In Flanders you can make use of TRACKS, a digital toolbox with guidelines for archive and collection care in the arts sector. The website is structured as a suitcase with the necessary tools for artists and arts organisations to care for their archive and/or collection(s), as well as to archive them digitally.

For example, here you can read everything about basic care. You can also contact TRACKS with any questions about archive and collection care.

TRACKS also offers plenty of practical examples from which you can draw inspiration to get started yourself.