Copyright and archive material

Wat kan en mag met archiefmateriaal volgens het auteursrecht?

What can and may be done with archive material pursuant to copyright law? At the end of 2021, Meemoo prepared a series of useful tools with which you can easily determine the rights status of collection items. At the beginning of 2022, it went one step further and delivered a series of decision trees as the culmination of the project Tools for dealing with copyrights and usage restrictions on cultural content

During a webinar that took place on 20 October  2020, various experts (including Tom Ruette, head of data, information and knowledge management at Flanders Arts Institute) answered the following questions:

  • What can and may be done with archive material pursuant to copyright law?
  • What do you need to document?
  • How should you document that?
  • How do you make a risk analysis?

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