Open call voor jonge componisten

BL!NDMAN organiseert een open call voor jonge componisten. Voor de editie van 2021-2022 zal elke componist werken met een beeldend kunstenaar van HISK om samen een kunstwerk te creëren. De gecomponeerde muziek zal uitgevoerd worden door de muzikanten van BL!NDMAN.
(zie meer info hieronder in het Engels)
MOLECULE is a two years collaboration project between young composers and visual artists from HISK (Hoger Instituut voor Schone Kunsten) Ghent, together with the musicians of BL!NDMAN.
By starting together from a blank page, two artists from different disciplines get an insider view in each other’s logic of creation and join forces to come to a new piece of art. One discipline can’t be subject to the other, which requires a continuous dialogue. By working together towards a public presentation the artists get confronted with possibilities, challenges and limitations they would not meet in the daily reality of their own artistic practice.
The objective is to create new artworks in which all disciplines are treated equally.
The project starts in 2021 with an online presentation of MOLECULE by Eric Sleichim, artistic director of BL!NDMAN on January 28 (11.00 – 13.00). In February 2021, the visual artists and the composers will present themselves and their work to all the participants. Subsequently, artistic matching duo’s will be formed. In the following weeks and once the duos are set, the co-creation starts and will be coached by Eric Sleichim and his artistic team. In different stages of the process, starting from the summer of 2021 with a showing of a work in progress on, the creation will be presented to the public until the end of 2022.
How to apply
Please send an email to with the subject ‘Molecule open call’ in which you describe your artistic path and your motivation to take part of the project, and add a link to your own music compositions. We are open to different musical genres: contemporary music, rock, pop, jazz, electronic music, … any genre will be considered carefully.
DEADLINE: January 15, 2021
More information
– lecture Eric Sleichim: