Open Call: Poster project
De Blinkerd is een redactie- en curatorgenootschap voor transdisciplinair en beeldend kunstonderzoek en -praktijk. In de loop van 2020-2021 werkte De Blinkerd samen met een groot aantal verschillende kunstenaars. Om het nieuwe jaar in te luiden, wil De Blinkerd graag nieuwe makers uitnodigen voor één van hun volgende projecten. Voor De Blinkerd Editions #10 organiseren ze een open call voor affiches.
De inhoud van de poster is volledig vrij. Het productieproces zal in nauwe samenwerking met De Blinkerd verlopen. Dit betekent dat de inzending voor de call niet het eindproduct hoeft te zijn (voor minstens 80%).
Meer informatie via deze website
Meer details hieronder (in het Engels)
By entering this competition, you understand, acknowledge and agree to abide by the following Rules:
Technical details:
- The format of the poster will be A2 (594 x 420 mm).
- The poster will be printed on glossy paper.
- Color and black-white are both possible.
- Productions costs will be paid for by De Blinkerd.
- The edition of the posters will be discussed during the production process.
- The creator will have to sign every poster.
Rules - The competition is open to any artist, creator, maker, designer, photographer, painter…. But must
be 18 years of age or older, and we require that it should be possible for you to travel to Brussels
(Belgium) in order to at least once physically meet with De Blinkerd’s team. - Entries must be provided in a digital form (jpg, pdf, tiff). Note that these can also be scans from
analog works. (photographs, designs, paintings, drawings, text….) - The De Blinkerd logo will have to figure on the poster; this can be discussed during the production
process. - You warrant that your entry is an original work of authorship, and does not violate any third
party’s proprietary or intellectual property rights. If your entry infringes upon the intellectual
property right of another, you will be disqualified. If the content of your entry is claimed to
constitute infringement of any proprietary or intellectual proprietary rights of any third party,
you shall, at your sole expense, defend or settle against such claims. - Collaborative works are allowed.
- Photos that portray or otherwise include inappropriate and/or offensive content, including
violence, human rights and/or environmental violation, and/or any other contents deemed to be
contrary to the law will be immediately discarded. - Entrants may use digital image manipulation (e.g. Photoshop) if they desire.
- Submissions will not be accepted past the deadline.
- The selected artists will be notified by email.
- Every design needs to be accompanied by a written statement. This text can be an explanation of
the entry, a motivational letter, a fictional text… This text must be 100 words but can only be 300
All entries must be sent to with subject: Open Call Poster Project.
The jury selecting the entry will consist of De Blinkerd’s team members Othillia G—, Amelie Silvéria,
Armelle Andree, Hendrike MR and two external jury members.
Please provide the following information in the email: name, date of birth, base town and occupation.