Open Call – fotografen beeldende kunst voor nieuwe kunstgalerij in Brussel

De kunstgalerij «inside-out» lanceert een oproep voor 6 fotografen beeldende kunst voor het eerste kwartaal van 2021.
Meer informatie over de kunstgalerij (in het Engels) en de oproep :
« inside-out » is a new contemporary art gallery opening first quarter of 2021, operating mainly in Belgium and Luxemburg. The gallery will represent creative visual artists that express strong personal ideas, concerns and questions through their photographic artworks.
- -be over the age of majority (18+)
- -be entitled to sign a contract with a gallery for Belgium and Luxemburg.
- -be a visual art photographer
- -the artist can be located worldwide
Samples of the “artistic theme” of the gallery can be viewed on the Instagram account created on purpose.(please note that these artists are NOT represented by the gallery. These are just samples to help visualize the eligibility point).
Selected photographers will:
- be represented by the gallery for minimum 1 year (renewable upon common agreement)
- be exhibited in 6 art fairs, including international ones, over the period of 1 year
- be in a group exhibition with the other artists of the gallery in Belgium or Luxemburg at the end of 2021
- be supported for production of artworks
- on a case-by-case basis, be supported to apply for an artist residency
- Application deadline: 15th Decembre 2020
- Selection by the jury: 15th January 2021
- Announcement of the selected artists: 16th January 2021
- Start of contract: 1st March 2021
How to apply?
Before 15th December 2020, at 23:59, send to
– your biography / CV (maximum 300 words)
– your rights-free photographic portrait
– a representative portfolio, consisting of 10 to 20 of your photos, with their legend (min 72 dpi)
-a statement of your work/ presentation text (maximum 500 words).
If you have questions, you can contact: