Globe Aroma calls out foreign artists in hostile zones for a conversation

Globe Aroma


Globe Aroma, in the frame of the festival Summer of Globe, seeks out some insights to the following questions: How can we (Brussels, Flanders, Belgium, Europe) support art production in hostile zones? And to what level art production from hostile zones is present in the European or Brussels art scene? How can this diversity of practices be accommodated in Brussels’ artistic (socially engaged) structures? 

In an attempt to approach the participation of newcomers in Belgium, the sociologists Marco Martiniello and Andrea Rea (2014) define this phenomenon as a ‘career’ rather than a linear process of ‘integration’ in a new environment, be it political, social, economic or culture.

The artistic scene in Brussels is connected to the ones in zones of crisis through the presence of artists from those zones in Brussels’ artistic and cultural structures. Artists and art workers in exile arrived in Belgium, continued to develop their practices in the new field, while keeping contact with their fellow artists in their countries of origin. 

For Whom?

Globe Aroma is looking for artists who are developing their practice in hostile zones and who’d like to share with us thoughts about the topic: how to support and create a network of solidarity. 

How to apply?

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More information

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