1646 is looking for an artist or curator for a residency in The Hague
The residency offers (inter)national artists and curators the possibility to stay and work/research at our location in the centre of The Hague. 1646’s residency aims to support innovative practices, develop global networks, and engage the local art community in The Netherlands.
The residency at 1646 is not focused on an end result, but on providing a space for research/work/reflection, while getting familiar with the context of The Hague and The Netherlands. There is no exhibition connected to the residency, though, a public event will conclude the residency period — the shape of which can be worked out in conversation with 1646. The residency period is up to 2 months and takes place between the 18th of August to the 18th of October 2023.
Practical information
The residency period is up to 2 months and takes place between the 18th of August to the 18th of October 2023.
Studio space: inside 1646′ building, 5m x 3m. The studio comes with a Wifi internet connection and residents have access to our technical facilities.
Accommodation: a studio apartment nearby the gallery with private cooking facilities, internet and shared toilet and shower. Children and partners are welcome to join the residency.
Specification of budget provided:
€1500 incl. VAT. Artist/Curator fee
€1000 incl. VAT. Production budget
€600 incl. VAT. Event
Travel expenses are covered based on economy tickets.
Applicants may apply between April 1st to April 30th 2023. All applications submitted during this period will be thoroughly reviewed by the team of 1646.
Due to the large amount of applications 1646 is not able to provide feedback.
How to apply?
Apply through the form on 1646.nl.